Drupal Development

Programming Practice

I do not believe in leading without practice. I write code every day for at least 4 hours. Drupal is progressing so fast. I am sure sooner or later a developer loses skills staying without practice. Another thing that the real Team Lead is able to back up any member of the team. 

Development mindset

Before I start to implement any kind of feature a have to choose which way to do it. Drupal provides a lot of contributing modules and also Drupal has a very flexible API.

Somebody prefers using contributing modules over custom code:

Too much connectors and contrib modules


Somebody likes custom modules over contrib and another developers can't support the code:

Complex custom solution


I like balance and workable solutions:

Thor's hummer. Workable and reliable
Thor's hammer. Workable and reliable.

Stack of technologies

Let's be a little more serious. Here is a shortlist of technologies I use:

  • PHP
  • Drupal 6-8
  • SQL (MySql, MsSql, NoSQL)
  • Docker
  • Git (GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket)
  • CodeSniffer and Validators (PHPCS, PHPstan, SonarCube)
  • Composer